Tuesday, January 25, 2011

my michael jordan year (bottle message twelve)

dear my beloved one,

i am now in my michael jordan year. twenty three years of age as of yesterday. the past year of my life has been a crazy good one. i learned alot about myself in twenty ten, and in the first few weeks of this year as well.

you took me to my favorite birthday restaurant, pappadeaux, where we split an amazing meal that ended up being both lunch and dinner. i love your passion for food especially cheesecake. you are quite a delight and i am very glad to have you in my life.

you took me to the movies and we saw the fighter. i love that you are willing to see a chick flick but i'm sure you were relieved when we didnt go see one. i love being with you. i hope you know that.

i was sick all day and you held me as i coughed and made sure i slept and didnt have to be alone on my birthday. it was the first one without my family. so i was glad you were there to represent them. i know they love you and appreciate all you do for me.

you are horrible with gifts. not in a bad way. just in the way of timing. which you don't live on a timed schedule so i don't mind. but you did get me a dog and flowers and a lovely hand written note. now i can hold sebastian allan when you're not there and be reminded even more so that you love me.

so here's to my michael jordan year. may it be one to remember with us at each others side. my this year be full of love, learning, growth, passion, and transforming. i am very glad to have you in my life. and i cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for us.

te amo my love

Saturday, January 15, 2011

rainy days (bottle message eleven)

dear my beloved one,

this week you have found a new love in freebirds burritos, as well as our mutual love for lemon juice on practically anything. we have a new found agreement that austin java is way better than twenty four diner due to the delicious migas and chocolate chip pancakes.

even through the rainy cold weather, we still manage to go out and support our friends music lives and still spend some time together talking about us. 

i am grateful every day for you and how the Lord brought you into my life. i don't think i'd change our story for anything in this world. i am so glad to have met you. and i cannot wait to begin a life with you. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

bittersweet (bottle message ten)

dear my beloved one,

today was the first day of the work year two thousand and eleven. and believe me it was bittersweet. sarah has accommodated some nice pain killers due to her breaking her foot and with surgery a week away, she gets to laugh at everything, making my job even more enjoyable. 

but to be honest, i feel betrayed tonight by two people i would say were/are very close to me. it seems as if one old friend wishes to not be my friend, and the other well she's new and actually has the same pattern as to why we met in the first place. but i digress as i am in no position to judge or dislike anyone for their actions. we are called to love. simply. as God loves us. 

so with that said, i have found another beautiful quote in my journal from max lucado:

"Don't we all long for a father... who cares for us in spite of our failures? we do have that type of father. a father who is at His best when we are at our worst.. whose grace is strongest when out devotion is weakest."

our Father is a gracious One. with more power to control than anything we can ever imagine. and i think He's got alot of reasons to be angry with sin, but He has grace enough to love us regardless of our past, present, and future. i will strive every moment to be just a sliver of  that kind of love. i hope you have some grace too my beloved one. because we can not just take the good in life without accepting the bad too

i just realized (treasure chest three)

dear my beloved one,

 i came across this music video and it reminded me of you. i hope you enjoy :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

the beginning of a decade (bottle message nine)

dear my beloved one,

the beginning of today was not the best of days. but in the morning after i waked, i was forgiven for something i never want to have happen again- i flipped. i haven't done that in a long time (by the grace of God) and i am going to strive every single day for the rest of my life to never turn into the 'kraken' again. 

today i woke and was blessed yet again by the Lord and His goodness in my life. i have a wonderful life. i am breathing, living, loving, and laughing with the best people in the world. for that i am eternally grateful. 

i have decided to lay the kraken to sleep. to kill her off. not suppress her inside but to release her forever. it will be a daunting task, but for you, my beloved one, it is worth all the cost. 

i found this quote in my journal today and i would like to share it with you. just so you know how much i am grateful for you.

"i know, more surely than i know anything, that any pang of healing or forgiveness or goodness i have ever felt comes solely from the grace of God" -- Philip Yancey

i love you more than words can describe. more than life itself. more than i could ever show you in this life. beloved one you are half of me, as i to you. and together we can do great things. but we must always remember the grace of our Father and the love He has shown us in order for this to work.